Investments . . . with Guarantees
Benefits Explained >> 
Segregated funds offer unique benefits that you can’t find with other investment products. Depending on your needs and life stage, your priority may be growing, preserving or protecting your money. Segregated funds have specific features that can help you achieve these priorities. 
Benefits Explained
Benefits Explained
Guarantees >>
Protecting Your Money with GuaranteesOne of the primary benefits of segregated funds is the maturity and death benefit guarantees that protect your money against market downturns.  
Maturity Guarantee
Maturity Guarantee
Guarantees plus >>
The maturity guarantee protects a percentage of the value of your investment at the end of your investment term. This means you will receive at least the guaranteed amount at a certain point in the future, less withdrawals and fees.
Death Benefit Guarantee
Death Benefit Guarantee
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The death benefit guarantee ensures a specific percentage of the value of your investment (less withdrawals and fees) will be passed on to your beneficiaries in the event of your death.

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